Trademarks, Company Logos and Work Titles

"Hannover Rück" / "Hannover Re" and various other trademarks, company logos and work titles, including those of affiliated companies, are legally protected in various jurisdictions. Other product names referred to on the Website may similarly be legally protected designations, potentially also of third parties. Hannover Re and our licensors reserve all rights not expressly granted. The mere making available to the public of trademarks, company logos and work titles does not constitute such a granting of rights.

Data Protection

When the user accesses the Website, possible identification data and other information may be recorded. Hannover Re will treat such information in the strictest confidence and reserves the right to use such information for statistical purposes only. If the user sends Hannover Re an e-mail, Hannover Re will only use the user's address for correspondence and in responding to the user's request.


If any clause or provision of these terms and conditions is adjudged by a competent court of law to be invalid, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

To the extent permitted by law, these terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The courts of Hannover shall have jurisdiction to determine any dispute relating to these terms and conditions and use of the Website.

Press Releases Disclaimer

All press releases issued by Hannover Re (including all affiliated companies) are intended solely for informational purposes, unless expressly communicated otherwise or published in connection with information required by law and statutory duties of notification. Certain statements in this press release that are forward-looking or contain specific expectations for the future are based on currently available information. They are made on an "as is" basis without any express or implied warranty, fitness for purpose or merchantable quality and may be subject to change without notice. Such statements inherently entail risks and uncertainties. Circumstances such as general economic developments, future market conditions, extraordinary loss expenditures due to catastrophes, movements on capital markets and other circumstances may cause actual events or results to differ substantially from those projected in forward-looking statements. Insofar as press releases do not contain information required by law and are not subject to statutory duties of notification, Hannover Re (including all affiliated companies) assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness, accuracy, reliability and timeliness of the statements. All claims for damages in connection with decisions and actions taken on the basis of this press release are also excluded, insofar as legally permissible, and are expressly rejected.


If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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